Minutes of the mozilla.org Staff Meeting of Monday 31st January 2005
Monday February 14th, 2005
By Gervase Markham
Present: justdave, bienvenu, asa, chase, myk, scott, raphael, ben,
dbaron, brendan, chofmann, marcia, dougt, dveditz?, jst?.
Mozilla 1.8b1
- Scheduled to freeze next week
- Asa has been through the big pass of nominations down from 100 to 30. 25 blockers some of that may be pushed out to Beta 2.
- Will control checkins or do major changes during that time (next week)
- List of security bugs nominated and landed for are on there)
- Scott to go through dveditz's list of nominations for Tbird
Firefox 1.0.1
- Meeting tomorrow at noon to go through the bug list
Firefox 1.1
- Need a round of testing
- Meeting on Thursday
- By next week (or possibly the week after) we will have a plan or approach posted
- Ben is going through his list today
Thunderbird 1.1
- 43 bugs scheduled for 1.1
- That doesn't include bugs for new features (Inline spell checker)
- Updated roadmap needs to be posted
Volunteer Awards
- Cbeard and asa met today, move forward with public nomination process, along the lines of what we had 5 years ago
- Need to look at who did the most patches (Brendan)
- Statistics are ok
- If one person attached a patch to the bug that we really wanted, need to factor this in (ben)
- Bring results back to this group or a similar group for review
- Chris and asa will brainstorm ideas on how this will happen
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