Independent Status ReportsMonday September 6th, 2004 By Brian KingThere is an enormous push at the moment on the grassroots level in co-ordination with to increase the number of Firefox/Thunderbird downloads and get folks to switch from other browsers and email clients. This push includes one thousand reviews of Firefox on the product listing page, compiling a list of 2000 sites that should have Get Firefox buttons but don't have them yet, and fortherecord — an attempt to recruit people to help Mozilla to get more press coverage. Some websites have sprung up to encourage and inform users on making the switch. All don't focus exclusively on swithing to Mozilla clients, but they are included. See zillivisation, Browse Happy, Switch2Firefox and FirefoxIE. And of course, one of the best reasons for switching is the great choice and quality of extensions available. Enjoy these latest reports from some of the projects! Note: If anyone has an update that they would like included in the next report, go here, or have any feedback on the reports in general, feel free to contact us. Mozilla-Delphi Project(Resources for working with Mozilla technologies in Borland Delphi and Kylix)
CVS contains updated JavaScript Bridge classes: Delphi functions now return values (string, double, integer, boolean and object types) to JavaScript. CVS also contains patches to improve SpiderMonkey's unicode support. This is beta code so please report any problems via the mailing list. Stef Mientki spotted that the zip for 'Taming the Lizard with Delphi' (GeckoBrowser) contained the Delphi 4 source instead of the most recent Delphi 5+ source. This has now been fixed. Highlights
LookAhead — v0.7(Uses Google web service to fetch URLs in multiple tabs)
Shaped up a lot and didn't ship out. Notable Highlights
Upcoming Features
Autofill — V0.2(Firefox extension to automatically fill in forms)
Released V0.2 on 8/24 New Features
Bug Fixes
3iempost — v0.3(firefox extension for posting a webpage to
0.3 released. New options added, and auto post url into forum added. Notable Highlights
bioFOX — v0.2(Bioinformatics tools on Mozilla browsers)
Notable Highlights
biobar — v1.2(A power browsing toolbar for bioinformatics database searches)
Biobar is a toolbar for biologists and bioinformaticians. Version 1.2 of biobar allows searching for information from 26 different biological databases from EBI, NCBI, plant, animal, scientific literature, functional and genomic collections. Notable Highlights
MozManual — v1+(Mozilla Manual — Introduction to Mozilla)
New translations available! Notable Highlights
Habari Xenu — v0.8(A Cool XUL News Aggregator)
Works now on Windows, Linux and OS X. Parses most syntactically correct feeds. Notable Highlights
ConQuery — v1.1(Context sensitive web query extension)
Notable Highlights
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