Minutes of the mozilla.org Staff Meeting of Monday 3rd May 2004
Thursday May 20th, 2004
By Gervase Markham
Present: asa, bart, ben, chofmann, dbaron, jst, leaf, mitchell, mscott, scc.
Mozilla 1.7
- On track for release candidate 2 end of this week
- Bug triaging and fixing going according to schedule
Mozilla 1.4.2
- Ben hammering Install/uninstall
- Themes/Locales support not implemented yet
- Extensions still getting tested.
- Still need a "disable all" kill switch (not just themes - any addon).
- Software updater almost ready for testing (two to three weeks)
- Accepting bug nominations for 0.9 blockers
Newsgroup Admin
- Asa to get back to Fantasai
- Gerv to talk to one or two of the news admin candidates.
Greece Software Conference
- Speakers from KDE, openoffice.org, FSF, mozilla.org (scc)
- scc gave a talk about "how to contribute to mozilla.org"
- Talks given specifically to software engineering students
Trademark Policies
- Draft written up, needs staff@mozilla.org review (line item and substantive)
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