Independent Status Reports (January 18, 2004)Sunday January 18th, 2004 By Brian KingThe theme of this report could be utilizing other programming languages in Mozilla. It's nice to see items here from 3 such projects. MozPHP and MozPython have the goal of embedding their respective scripting engines. The Mozilla-Delphi project has a different remit, to provides resources for working with Mozilla technologies in the Borland Delphi and Kylix programming environments. I urge support for all of these ambitious projects. Note: If anyone has an update that they would like included in the next report, go here, or have any feedback on the structure of the reports in general, feel free to contact us. XUL Console — v1.2(Extension to ease XUL development work)
XUL Console now supports evaluation of XUL code from files located not only in the local file system, but also in Mozilla chrome directory (for unrestricted XPCOM access) and remote server (HTTP). Notable Highlights
mozImage — v0.5(Simple image browser)
The goal of mozImage is to create a simple image browser based on the Mozilla Framework. It has a simple and fast user interface that you can see on screen shot page. Here are some key feature:
Mycroft — 775 search plugins(Search plugins for Mozilla and Firebird)
I have been quite lazy to submit status reports lately, the last one was in September. Since then a lot has happened: 300 plugins have been added, mainly due to the great work of our members (and external contributors) who went through the list of requests. In late November, we implemented logging of our search engine, which has proven to be more than useful, since now we can monitor very closely the needs of our users. If you are curious about these, you can find the latest in our Mailing List Archives. As a result, there is a top 10 of the most looked for search engines, a new category listing as well as an improved search algorithm. Notable Highlights
It's very hard to keep up with all the search plugins that get submitted by external contributors, and even harder to keep the list of requests fairly small. If you have some time and energy for Mycroft, we'd be glad to welcome you. MozPHP — version 0.1.3(Embeds the PHP interpreter in Mozilla)
There is no need any more to assign MIME type MozPython — version 0.1.0(Embeds the Python interpreter in Mozilla)
MozPython embeds the Python interpreter in Mozilla. With MozPython you can execute Python scripts in Mozilla. Script output to sys.stdout is displayed in the browser window. MozPython may for example be useful for you if you have written a Web application with Python CGI scripts. You can now have your application run offline in Mozilla without the need for a local Web server. If PyXPCOM is installed on your system then MozPython gives your scripts access to the browser window they are executing in. This might be useful if you are more interested in creating pure offline applications using Mozilla and Python. Archangel — v0.5.0(Browse RGTP bulletin boards with Mozilla)
Archangel is becoming useable as an RGTP client. It's still experimental, however, and there are still many bugs. Especially, initial connections are slow; the browser will appear to lock up for a while. Debugging messages are currently printed to standard error while this happens; eventually these will be replaced with a proper dialog box. Please read the installation page carefully. Notable Highlights
Forumzilla — v0.4.5(An extension to Mozilla and Thunderbird for reading RSS feeds) I've released a new pre-alpha version of Forumzilla with the following changes:
Next on the agenda, a way to deal with items that appear with many other items on a single page (as opposed to each item having its own page), and a subscriptions dialog for managing subscriptions so you don't have to hack subscriptions.txt. MozManual — Final 1.0(Introduction to Mozilla — A Manual for First Time Users; a brief overview and feature guide)
The final version 1.0 is now available. Translations into Dutch, French, German, and Spanish are in progress, and there is interest in an Italian version. The project web pages are being modified to better support the translation efforts. See the project Notes page for details, and requests for translation help. Mozilla-Delphi Project(Resources for working with Mozilla in Borland Delphi and Kylix)
The Mozilla-Delphi project provides resources for working with Mozilla technologies in the Borland Delphi and Kylix programming environments. I have just taken over this project, which was abandoned before it produced any code, and I'm looking for volunteers. A basic tutorial on using the Mozilla ActiveX Control is online and bridge classes for Mozilla's JavaScript engine will follow soon. ConQuery — v0.8a(Context sensitive web query interface extention for Mz/Fb/Nc)
What's new:
Xprint(An advanced printing system which enables X11 applications — such as Mozilla/Firebird/Thunderbird/Eclipse etc. — to use devices like printers, FAX or create documents in formats like PostScript, PDF, PCL, etc.)
The 009 gamma builds of Xprint are now available (Debian's "xprt-xprintorg" package was updated, too), including various fixes since the last trunk builds and TrueType/OpenType font support has now been enabled by default for Solaris and AIX Notable Highlights
TipBar — v0.8.0(Tip of the Day Extension)
It has been updated to version 0.8.0. It has been completely rewritten. Some new features are
Enigmail — v0.83.0(OpenPGP messages for Mozilla)
The latest release has got a new user interface for message composing. In addition, the new version contains several improvements and fixes:
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