Independent Status ReportsSunday December 21st, 2003 By Brian KingThis is the last set of reports for 2003, so perhaps a good time to look back and reflect on what was achieved during the year. I'll leave that to you, but one thing I will do is make a prediction for 2004. This is the year when Mozilla as Platform will really take off. It's a time to work on and push for better tools for Mozilla developers, and continue to advocate wider adoption of Mozilla and it's great technologies. Note: If anyone has an update that they would like included in the next report, go here, or have any feedback on the structure of the reports in general, feel free to contact us. Forumzilla v0.4.2(An extension to Mozilla and Thunderbird for reading RSS feeds) I'm rewriting Forumzilla as an extension to Mozilla and Thunderbird that lets you read RSS feeds in those applications' three-pane mail interfaces. A very early, buggy, pre-alpha version is available. Bugxula 2003-12-08(A XUL client for Bugzilla installations) Recent versions of Bugxula:
Next up: enhancements to the query form so it takes up less horizontal screen space and you can search using multiple criteria. MozManual — Final 1.0(Introduction to Mozilla — A Manual for First Time Users; a brief overview and feature guide)
The final version 1.0 is now available. This is a complete PDF file with bookmarks and hyperlinks. All source materials (StarOffice text and drawing files, and related graphics files) are posted to the project source page. Also included is a "reviewer's guide" to address FAQs and similar issues. To those who are using this document in their organization: I would appreciate an email telling me how you are using it, together with any other relevant comments. Moji — v0.6(Integrated Japanese dictionary for non-native speakers)
Moji is a sidebar application for Mozilla Firebird featuring a Japanese kanji and a word dictionary for foreigners learning this language. Translation are given in English, French or German. It also features a toolbar icon for quick access to New in version 6:
Feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions, or to tell me about free Japanese dictionaries in your language that I may integrate into Moji. ConQuery — v0.5a(Context sensitive web query interface extention for Mz/Fb/Nc)
ConQuery 0.5a is Out! What's new
Launchy — v1.3.0(Open Links/Mailto with external programs) Launchy is launched! Launchy will enable you to open links and mailto's with external applications. Notable Highlights
Keyword Repository(Enhance your Internet Experience with Custom Keywords Galore) This project is just getting started, and will be moving into its new home during the Christmas holidays. There are no .xpi files in this project. The goal is simply to gather as many custom keywords as possible and then generate a bookmark file which users can then import into their browser. I have many ideas for the project, but for now I'm keeping it simple I have not done any coding in Mozilla, and because I don't have a whole lot of time I'm not planning on making a XUL frontend, but if someone with that kind of experience is interested in the project, please contact me. Xprint(An advanced printing system which enables X11 applications — such as Mozilla/Firebird/Thunderbird/Eclipse etc. — to use devices like printers, FAX or create documents in formats like PostScript, PDF, PCL, etc.)
We finished a new set of builds of the Xprint 009 trunk which adds various new features, more performance and better stability Notable Highlights
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