Minutes of the mozilla.org Staff Meeting of Monday 1st December 2003
Saturday December 13th, 2003
By Gervase Markham
Present: asa, chofmann, mitchell, bart, brendan, blizzard, leaf, scc, dbaron, mscott, ben, gerv.
1.6 beta update
- 10 beta blockers, all of which would be final blockers
- Need to get it out there within the week to get feedback
- We hope to ship final on 21st/22nd
- Aim is to get it out before Xmas.
- Still need to work on the fonts
- Mitchell thinks it looks like a 2nd grader's schoolbook
- Incremental changes
Localisations on CD
- Six key ones: German, French, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish
- We had pack for all except ja straight after 1.5
- Why not ja?
- They have switched to self-made distros rather than packs
- We haven't fixed about 10 bugs important to them
- Communication breakdown
- Those bugs were not nominated or driven
- IRC meeting for localisers
- Figure out the process and invite people to jump on
- IBM also has packs. leaf to talk to mkaply
- Need to get langpacks into CVS repository
- Forms for tax exemption filed (by Nov 30th deadline)
- We are not in the mainstream mould for non-profits
- Lots of things we want to do which would be hard
- Probably need a for-profit subsidiary
- Lots of admin, but free to pursue revenue opportunities
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