
Mozilla Offers French Schools Digital Space of Knowledge

Mozilla is making progress in the French administration, as witnesses the deployment of a new application Digital Space of Knowledge (Espace Numérique des Savoirs) [automated English translation of ENS information page] in 1500 schools around France since September 2003. The purpose of this application is to give access to various information sources (encyclopedias, press articles) for both teachers and students to prepare their schoolwork. Mozilla has been chosen for its capacity to run on various platforms, including Windows, Mac and Linux. The application has been developed by French company IDM, based on Mozilla 1.2.1.

In a related article, IDM's Software Department Director mentioned that Mozilla is their favorite choice [automated English translation of IDM interview] for 3 reasons:

  • Ready to use framework
  • This framework is stable and can be used for long-term projects
  • Support for various environments such as Mac and Windows, including international support for Chinese, for example.

For these reasons, Mozilla is used in the majority of their projects.

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