Minutes of the mozilla.org Staff Meeting of Monday 15th September 2003
Saturday September 20th, 2003
By Gervase Markham
Present: chofmann, bart, scc, seth, dbaron, myk, mitchell.
(Mozilla Foundation employees are now invited.)
Meeting purpose
- We should start meetings with a brief summary of releases.
- Get info from Mozilla Firebird and Thunderbird meeting on Monday nights
- Track GRE status occasionally (dougt and bsmedberg working on it ATM)
- chofmann and dbaron will help the GRE planning
- provide updates on marketing efforts and deals. Bart to provide that on a weekly basis.
- Bart's main focus is having a set of big things ready by September 30:
- Mozilla 1.5
- Mozilla Firebird, Thunderbird preview releases
- Other announcements
Other issues
- super-reviewers are meeting again on Thursday;
- dbaron has tried pinging people to see if they are still participating
- A lot of existing accounts have recently been changed over to new email addresses.
- Mozilla 1.5 ready closer to the end of the week of the 22nd (i.e. Thursday-Friday Sept. 26-27).
- Myk moving forward on creating an ftp.mozilla.org mirror network hosted by Oregon State University and others.
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