
Independent Status Reports

Note: If anyone has an update that they would like included in the next report, feel free to email me.

Download Sort Update

(Sort your downloads to different folders)

By Devon Jensen

Download Sort is a subproject of Download Statusbar. This project allows you to sort your downloads to different folders depending on the file extension or keywords in the URL. Now available for Firebird with a Mozilla version coming soon.

Enigmail Update

(Using Mozilla to send encrypted mail using PGP or GPG)

By Patrick Brunschwig

Enigmail 0.81 has been released for the Thunderbird 0.1 milestone. Apart from many detail enhancements, the UI has been redesigned to a great deal for better integration with Mozilla, it is now much more similar to the look&feel of S/MIME.

Gnusto Update

(Interpreter for Z-machine games)

By Thomas Thurman

We just released Gnusto 0.5.0, the first milestone release for ages. This release adds the ability to load ordinary z5 files without using a separate encoder. Unicode is now supported for playing games in languages other than English. Compatibility with Mozilla Firebird was added. Screen handling was improved. Lots of little bugfixes were made. It should now be possible to play almost all version 5 ("Advanced") games.

mozdev Update

(Free project hosting site for Mozilla extensions and applications)

By David Boswell

All major services and most minor services are now back in place on the new server. If anyone runs across any services that are still not working or anything that isn't working correctly, please help us fix the situation by reporting the problem in mozdev bug 4203.

Java Update

(Java support for Mozilla (JRE XPIs, Blackconnect))

By Brad Neuberg

The goal is simple. Build a Mozilla application so that a Java backend can be used to interact with a Mozilla/XUL front-end. It makes sense. Combine the power of Java's server libraries with the interactivity and user interface capability of Mozilla. Kevin Burton and Brad GNUberg are proud to announce, a central repository for open-source projects making this vision true. We have already posted two projects furthering this goal. First is a new build of BlackConnect for Mozilla 1.4 and JDK 1.3.1. BlackConnect is a pretty aggressive project... a full port of XPCOM to Java. This will allow developers to write components in JavaScript, C++, or Java and seamlessly integrate components used in other languages within the Mozilla platform. The second major project on is XPI builds of the Java Runtime, making installation of Java within Mozilla seamless for your Java-based Mozilla plugins. We need developers and testers!

BlackConnect Update

(Java-to-XPCOM Bridge)

By Brad Neuberg

I'm not going to be hacking on BlackConnect for the next month and a half, since I need to shift my attention over to hacking on Paper Airplane, my opensource Mozilla based project. In the next month and a half there are four big tasks that could be done by volunteers if they are interested. I can provide pointers on how to do these tasks so contact me first for more info. Here's what's needed:

  • Get BlackConnect building on Linux.
  • Get BlackConnect working on optimized, non-debug builds. For some reason it only works on debug builds.
  • Create a robust unit testing suite to truly make sure things work. There are still some significant issues and strange bugs and we need good unit tests that we can continually run against.
  • Get the new xpidl string types working, such as DOMString, AString, etc.

These would all be fun, extremely useful tasks if someone wants to jump on board.

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