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Independent Status ReportsChecky Update (Validate and view Web pages) by Joachim Schreiber Checky Toolbar 0.1 released. The Checky Toolbar plug-in is a simple interface for Web content and Web page developers to free and commercial validator and checker services on the Web. With Checky you can now easy display the processing results of 25 different services from a choosen Web resource in a new tab or browser window. Services are available for HTML, XHTML, CSS, RDF, RSS, XML, WAI, 508 and various viewer. XULmaker Update (Visual XUL editor) by Franklin de Graaf XULmaker is back! This project has been dormant for over a year. The project was adopted by Franklin de Graaf in November 2002 and has been brought back to life with a new version, version 0.40, released on 20 December 2002. Version 0.40 is a major re-development of the original work done by Micheal Hearn. XULMaker Version 0.40 works with Mozilla 1.0. It includes new functionality and many new features. Check out the site to find out more about the latest development effort. wmlbrowser Update (Browse WML in Mozilla) by Matthew Wilson I've released the first installable XPI for wmlbrowser, an extension aiming to render WML (Wireless Markup Language) on Mozilla-based browsers. It's in the very early stages at the moment, working only with the simplest of pages. EU Update (European Mozilla community information) by Kai Engert The next Mozilla developers meeting is taking place in Brussels on the weekend of February 8-9, 2003. Similar to last year, this is to coincide with the FOSDEM conference, and an entire track will be dedicated to Mozilla. For more information, see the original announcement. We will be updating the EU website soon with more information. Books Update (Creating Applications with Mozilla book project) by Brian King Related to Chapter 12, check out a recently published article on running remote applications in the Mozilla framework. Co-written by Myk Melez and Brian King, it covers remote deployment of XUL applications, the exciting work being done on native database support, and exchanging information using SOAP, XML-RPC, and XMLExtras (particularly XMLHttpRequest). XULmine Update (XUL-based Minesweeper game) by Neil Rashbrook I just fixed bug #2680 so losing on your first turn shouldn't be possible any more. In Minesweeper it is not possible to lose on your first move. If the current mine locations make it such that you would lose, XULmine should generate a new set of mines. TagZilla Update (A tagline insertion and management system) by David Perry TagZilla 0.041 has been released. This latest release works with Mozilla 1.3a and recent trunk builds, as well as older Mozillas and Phoenix. Also notable:
... I guess I shouldn't use this tagline. It stinks.
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