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BugDay is Moving!

by ASA DOTZLER | "What is BugDay?" you ask. BugDay is an informal collaborative bug hunting effort and an opportunity to become comfortable with Mozilla the browser and Bugzilla,'s bug reporting tool.

"When and where is it?" The weekly event is hosted by #mozillazine at Our first Wednesday meeting will be this Wednesday, May 30 (afternoon into evening USA time).

"Who is going to be there?" Everyone is welcome. If you want Mozilla better sooner then make it happen. We will have first time as well as veteran bug hunters/reporters. We will have Mozilla developers and quality assurance people. Anyone with an interest in furthering Mozilla is invited.

"What do I need to bring?" We'll be focusing on finding and reporting new bugs as well as verifying and commenting on old bugs, so grab the most recent build you can get, make note of any bugs you've found but not reported and come prepared to surf, search and report.

"What do I do when I get there?" That's an easy one. You'll surf the web, compose mail, read newsgroups, all with Mozilla. When something doesn't work as it should you say something in the channel.

BugDay will be a great way to mingle with other Mozilla users, developers and QA people, so stop by if you get a chance. If you're not familiar with filling out but reports, there will be plenty of people there to answer questions and help you out.

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